4 The operation was completed. The change was reverted!
5 There is nothing to undo.
6 Performing Undo will remove %s from %s.\n\nIs it OK to remove the file?
7 The file %s originally used to fix your problem is no longer available in the indicated directory. You will not be able to fix the problem again without first locating the needed file. Do you still want to perform this operation?
8 The file %s can't be found on your system. There is nothing to undo.
9 The operation failed. These earlier changes cannot be undone or redone.
10 to the directory:
11 Changed Entry
12 in Section
13 in File
14 from
15 to
16 The current settings are different from the settings recorded in the log file. Click OK to make the change anyway, or click Cancel to abort the operation.
17 Changed section
18 entry
19 to entry
20 Deleted File:
21 Back up to:
22 The BACKUP file cannot be found. The operation cannot be performed.
23 Deleted Program Manager Item:
24 from Group:
25 Item Command:
26 Item Working Dir:
27 Icon Path:
28 Icon Index:
29 Icon Pos:
30 Program Item %s in Group %s is now reverted
31 Copied application file
34 Copied File:
35 The value of
36 in
37 was changed from
38 Value of "%s" in "Config.sys" is reset from "%s" to "%s".
39 The Line
40 is inserted to
41 Line "%s" was removed from "%s".
42 Line "%s" is reinserted into "%s".
43 Line "%s" exists in "%s". Nothing to redo.
44 Replaced Line
45 is inserted before Line
46 is inserted after Line
47 Changed Registry Value:
48 Subkey
51 Changed Registry Name:
52 File "%s" is updated. The operation is completed!
53 File "%s" is not changed. The operation is not completed!
54 Extracted File:
55 99/99/99---99:99:99---
56 D-----
57 '%s' is a read-only file.\n\nIs it OK to delete it?
58 The operation cannot be redone because the file '%s' already exists.
59 Restored Recycled File:
64 Replaced Registry Name:
65 Replaced Registry Name: "%s" in "%s" Subkey "%s" replaced with "%s"
66 Deleting the '%s' name in the '%s' subkey of '%s' in the Registry cannot be undone.\n\nWould you still like to delete it?
67 Information
68 Entries in the undo/redo log are no longer consistent with the Registry. This log entry can no longer be used to undo or redo earlier changes.
69 There is nothing to undo.
72 on
73 Cannot copy '%s' to the '%s' directory.
74 Cannot extract '%s' from '%s' to the '%s' directory.
75 Cannot retrieve '%s' from the Recycle Bin to the '%s' directory.
76 Copied File: "%s" to the directory: "%s"
77 Extracted File: "%s in %s on %s" to the directory: "%s"
78 Restored Recycled File: "%s in Recycle Bin (%s)" to the directory: "%s"
79 The file is being copied. Please wait ...
80 If you remove the selected item, it will no longer be available for undo/redo. Are you sure you want to remove the selected item?
81 There was a failure in writing to the log file.\n\nYou may not have write permission to write to the log file or your file system may be full.
82 The buffer which maintains information about modifications to the registry values so that the changes can be later undone is larger than expected. The requested operation cannot be performed.
86 in
87 The log file entry seems to be corrupted. Earlier changes cannot be undone or redone.
88 RawBinary
89 Updated Shortcut: "%s" from "%s" to "%s"
90 The shortcut "%s" to "%s" cannot be updated.
91 Updated Shortcut:
92 The shortcut is being updated. Please wait...
93 in Recycle Bin (
94 The restore operation cannot be redone because the file '%s' originally used to fix your problem is no longer available in the indicated directory.
95 Deleted File: %s
96 Changed Entry Name: Entry "%s" in Section %s in File %s, changed to "%s"
97 Changed Entry Value : "%s" in Section %s in File: %s from "%s" to "%s"
98 Deleted Program Manager Item: %s in group %s
99 Inserted Line in File %s: "%s"
100 Replaced Line in File: %s, from "%s" to "%s"
101 Changed Registry: "%s" in root %s key %s from "%s" to "%s"
102 Deleted subkey %s in root %s.
103 Removed Shortcut: %s
104 The operation cannot be performed because of a format error in the undo list.
105 REG_SZ
131 Removed Line in File %s: "%s"
132 Created Directory: %s
133 Removed virus: %s, from file %s
134 Removed virus: %s, from file %s in archive file %s
1019 The software patch installation was successful.